Saturday, December 12, 2009

"Lack of Pride", True Cause of Sinking US Economy

Hi All;

Long time has gone by without updates, but that's because the holiday season is upon us and I have been very busy with my vintage store.

During this season I cannot help but reflect upon our US economy & the inherent sadness in many people. It appears that the true underlying reason for sadness is the lack of pride we all share.

In the past, when inventors designed new products, artists created new designs or entrepreneurs forged new industries, they were eager to employ their families, friends and other U.S. citizens to put it all together. During the height of the industrial revolution, which started to decrease in the 60's - 70's, only the best materials were used, as well as high-quality products in all manufacturing. Indeed, the beauty & quality of goods were long lasting and held in high esteem throughout the world. This was what "Made in the USA" meant. Today, all those creations can only be seen or found on "Antique Roadshow" or pricey antique shops.

Today, as a result of the world-economy, and to better compete, artists, designers, entrepreneurs are forced to outsource manufacturing to countries that offer both cheap labor, and the cheapest possible materials. It is no wonder most items end up in land-fills within a years time!! Further, you'll never see these items on "Antique Road shows" nor any antique shops in the future. This is a disgrace to all the citizens of the U.S. Our joint capacity to be and do our best has been taken away by GREED!!

Hands that could be building, creating new things are now just filling out job applications. Minds that could be creating richer & more profound designs are idle, playing video games, texting, or just plain dreaming.

The good news is that collectively, we still have the capacity to contribute to the world in meaningful ways. If we want this country to come out of this mess, attitudes must change. Greed must be put last though. Greed must be replaced with Pride! Manufacturers must care about people and quality, not just huge profits. Manufacturers must find Pride in knowing they are sustaining communities by hiring fellow citizens, families & neighbors. Indeed, there is much pride to be found in local communities when you hire neighbors to forge new creations, businesses or ventures. Finally, pride in using the best quality products this country has and pride in rendering to the world the very best that we can.

It's not too late people, write to your politicians, representatives. Let them know you are tired of being "sold-out". Then, step out and create something today!!

Happy Holidays to all...wishing everyone the best. Looking forward to a more productive, pride-full year in 2010.
